Coordinated R&D funding scheme to strengthen Europe’s position in the blue bioeconomy

The main objective of the BlueBio COFUND is to establish a coordinated R&D funding scheme that will strengthen Europe’s position in the blue bioeconomy
The first co-funded call launched 17 December 2018. The COFUND partners have committed EUR 23,5 million, which will make up a maximum total budget of EUR 30 million including up to EUR 6.5 million co-funding from the European Commission.The goal is to identify new and improve existing ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value from in the blue bioeconomy. Next to the co-funded call, the BlueBio COFUND plans to contribute to the national priorities as well as to the strategic research agenda of JPI Oceans, and the ERA-NETs COFASP and MBT. Participating countries in the BlueBio COFUND are Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden.