BlueBio Cofund News

JPI Oceans to follow-up BlueBio projects after the end of the ERA-Net

Jul 1, 2024

On 31 May 2024 the ERA-Net Cofund Blue Bioeconomy (BlueBio)…

BlueBio Cofund final video

Apr 10, 2024

Since 2018, BlueBio has been a catalyst for identifying new…

A legacy of greater connectivity in the blue bioeconomy

Mar 25, 2024

On Tuesday 19 March 2024, the Blue Bioeconomy ERA-NET Cofund…

Invitation: Policy event

Dec 21, 2023

Policy event Connecting the dots for a circular blue bioeconomy:…

The Blue Bioeconomy Final Meeting

Dec 20, 2023

The Final Meeting will be held on the 19th of…

Contributing to the Mission Arena for regional discourse on North and Baltic Seas

Nov 27, 2023

BlueBio engaged in the first Mission Arena in Gothenburg on…

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