BlueBio Cofund Funds Ten Projects in 1st Additional Call

After a two-stage evaluation process the BlueBio Call Committee has selected proposals of the 1st additonal call. Proposals focus on „supply systems” which entail the steps and activities in logistics and transportation from harvest or catch as well as pre-processing activities to ensure the quality of bio-resources. In total, ten proposals with a budget of about 10 million Euro will be funded. The applicants come from all involved partner countries, namely Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain.  

List of projects selected for funding:

Project AcronymCoordinator Organisation
BlueBioChainHellenic Agricultural Organization
Taco AlgaeNofima AS
SuMaFoodSINTEF Energy Research
ProfiusTechnical University of Denmark (DTU)
MuMiFastDTU Aqua
MicroAlgae in ITEstonian University of Life Sciences
MARIGREENUniversity “Politehnica” of Bucharest
QualiSeaSINTEF Industry