Supporting R&I projects in their commercialisation journey
This includes exploring ways to support BlueBio funded projects as their results mature and the technology readiness levels (TRLs) of their outputs increase
Although the main objective of the BlueBio Cofund is to establish a coordinated research and innovation funding scheme to strengthen Europe’s position in the blue bioeconomy, a number of additional activities have been undertaken by the consortium to underpin this. This includes exploring ways to support these projects as their results mature and associated technology readiness levels (TRLs) increase. A support initiative was launched consisting of a number of different elements including research on novel funding & private sector opportunities; analysis of interactions with/ feedback from projects (e-coffees, mid-term reports); interviews with investors, accelerators etc.; survey of projects to map commercialisation needs and status; a commercialisation support event (link); and one-to-one support meetings; commercialisation factsheets; and a novel funding call. The process and outcomes from this initiative have been developed into a Commercialisation Brief as a case study on how funding initiatives can support R&I projects in this journey. This was presented at the Mission Arena in Gothenburg by the BlueBio coordinator (link).

Following interviews with members of the investment community, to understand their needs and interest, BlueBio also developed individual project commercialisation factsheets, specifically with investors in mind. Factsheets include the project title and website, the nationalities of the industry members of the consortia, project outcomes (description and TRL), and commercialisation needs/next steps (see Figure 1 for overview of layout).

On this page (and on each project page), you will find the commercialisation factsheets developed, which are available for download. If you have an interest in a particular area, they have also been grouped thematically as follows: algae, aquaculture, biomedical, bivalves, crustaceans, feed, fisheries, food, and low trophic species.
For further information, please contact:
BlueBio Coordinator Ingeborg Korme (
BlueBio WP6 Lead Majbritt Bolton-Warberg (