Advanced BlueBio Training Course: “Blue Bio-refinery technologies: from research to the industry with applications on products and biomaterial from algal biomass and sidestreams of fisheries and aquaculture”.

The training course was co-organised by the National Research Council (CNR Italy) and the University of Foggia (Italy), with the patronage of the European Society of Marine Biotechnology (ESMB), and was held on 15th-18th January 2023 at the University of Foggia, Foggia (Italy). This training initiative is related to the general goal of BlueBio ERANET COFUND, i.e. to strengthen Europe’s position in the blue bioeconomy and addresses gaps to finally identify ways of bringing bio-based products and services to the market and find new ways of creating value from in the blue bioeconomy.
The target to be addressed in the course was PhD holders and/or experienced people in the field, with priority to researchers involved in projects co-funded by BlueBio calls (75 of available places were reserved to them). The course involved 25 people, who were selected among more than 90 applicants. The goal of the course was to improve their technological knowledge on blue bio-refinery tools. More than 50% of the attendees were from 4 European countries, namely Italy, Estonia, Norway and Portugal. In order to facilitate the attendance, no registration fees have been requested to selected applicants. In addition, accommodation and local travel expenses have been covered by Bluebio, and a travel grant up to 370 euros has been offered to all participants. Preliminary analysis of the feedbacks from the attendees showed that their expectations were fully addressed. Most of the presentation by the invited lectures were highly appreciated, as well as the possibility of interacting with them and the quality of the laboratory facilities used for the practical experience. Suggestions from the audience mostly regarded the possibility of enhancing the presentation of successful case studies dealing with the relationship between Academia and Industry. Finally, all the attendees agreed about the possibility of seeing a next edition of the course and in joining future training initiatives on blue bio-economy.

Pictures from the practical experience at STAR* Facility Center:

Pictures from the seaweeds show-cooking: