BlueBio participated in the 1st Ocean training conference, which was held at Ghent University on 9th-11th January 2023.
The 1st International Conference on Ocean Education and Training 2023 (OceanTraining2023) is an initiative of the OceanTraning project, which with the support of Erasmus+ EU Programme joined the effort of a consortium of 4 European universities to develop existing and new ideas in support to international education programmes in the field of Ocean Sciences. Specifically the OceanTraining conference, which was held at Ghent University on 9th-11th January, aimed at bringing together marine scientists, educators, (joint) educational programme coordinators, graduate students and non-academic stakeholders from a range of disciplines to discuss the most recent innovations, trends, challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Ocean Education and Learning.
BlueBio project participated to the conference with a presentation submitted to the thematic session “Education and training in the Blue Economy” about the actions that were developed in task T7.3 (Human Capacity Building including RRI, Training and Mobility exchange) for facilitating the exchange and sharing of knowledge and technology on Blue Bioeconomy among the research projects funded by the BlueBio calls and beyond. Specifically, it was shown how the monitoring of BlueBio funded projects also included a specific section on HCB based on the use of online questionnaires, whose outcomes were disseminated to projects coordinators to facilitate the follow-up and the evaluation of their own HBC activities. In addition, the same tool was also used for the identification of the main training needs and gaps along the Blue Bioeconomy value chain, which facilitated the design of the agendas of the two Advanced Training Courses on Blue Biotechnologies organized by BlueBio to date, engaging the wider marine community across academia, government (policy and funding) and industry.